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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.

The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

How is /pol/ celebrating the new release?
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I cummed
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bro really be like lil bro really be like bruv really be like blud really be like frfr and thats ONG, my nigga! skull emoji 100
your mom's house doesn't count dude
only with timmies because that's the only way they can feel it
>be behind negress
>not breaking buck

This is why your prime minister is an ignorant weak homosexual actor.

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Today is the holy day in our history, the Victory Day. On this day, 79 years ago, our grandfathers defeated the fascist filth that killed millions of Soviet people. Now it is our time to continue the work of our grandfathers. Nazism is once again growing in the Ukraine, in the West, in many parts of the world. But just as 79, it willbe defeated, along with all those who support it in any way. We will win once again, because the strength is in the truth, and the truth is with us, and the truth is God.
Haшe дeлo пpaвoe, вpaг бyдeт paзбит, Пoбeдa бyдeт зa нaми!
C Днём Пoбeды!
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Your religion is fake. Your kind will be exterminated.
Cool. The hoholhoax is still fake.
What time is the parade? Do you think ukraine has the balls to try and attack it? I think putin would wreck kiev for trying
You'd be better off just going with that than with claiming that the Soviets incurred 2-5x as many casualties in almost every battle while being equally well armed kek.

Teleport Website Downloading Tools .zip 6.6 MB Download

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>Uploaded by Spy Guy7777777
Very very sus, kek^2

reminds me of /b/ . Tons of this shit was constantly posted on /b/
You should go to jail for this antisemitic post. 6.6 million megabytes is not respective of the 6 million Jewish brethren that perished at the hands of wh*the supremacists such as Hitler, Biden and trump.
Yes, sharing spyware to the common anon can be seen as demonic.

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Previous: >>467489214

▶Day: 805 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>German chancellor backs EU plan to use frozen Russian assets to fund Ukraine arms
>Prime Minister of Lithuania: Lithuania is ready to send its soldiers to Ukraine on a training mission
>Major missile/drone chimpout targeting energy infrastructure: 39/55 missiles and 20/21 shaheds intercepted, damage to energy infrastructure reported
>An oil base struck in occupied Luhansk
>The SBU exposed a network of agents of the 5th service of the russian FSB, who were preparing the assassination of the President of Ukraine as well as heads of SBU and GUR
>China undertook a promise not to sell weapons to the Russian Federation: this became known during Xi Jinping's visit to Paris.
>Russia made nook threats again
>Russia is preparing violent sabotage across Europe: Kremlin agents are preparing secret explosions, arson and attacks on infrastructure, - Financial Times with reference to the special services of European countries
>A brick factory suddenly exploded and caught fire in Smolensk, Russia

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The fuck is exploding there? Clearly it's not at mines, and Ukraine doesn't have ap mines. Do rusniggers ride over their own mines?
CV9040C IFVs of AFU are training somewhere in Ukraine.

"Ukraine has caught up with Russia in the production of UAVs similar to Shahed-131 and Shahed-136", - General Director of Ukroboronprom

In addition, recently air defence, supplemented by Soviet-American components, shot down an Iranian Shahed from a distance of 9 km: "We are ready to produce even more, but we are held back by a lack of money," he said.
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Representative of the High Command of the Polish Armed Forces: "Poland no longer operates the S-200V Vega air defence system. We no longer have these systems."

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Previous: >>467488803
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Blackrock and others to push Ukraine to resume debt interest payments - https://archive.today/3z3rM
>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights - https://archive.today/O20yg

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Technically Israel has nukes, it's just located in the USA.
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That is why we love Sarah Gadon. She is pure and trad.
Oh shid . My neighborhood kots are either fucking or trying to murder each other.
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That's a tranny
That doesn't mean it wasn't hohols. Firing an mlrs or even a shoulder-fire in dry leaves could cause such a fire.

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I want to start reading comics but I want to stop before "the agenda" begins. What year should I stop reading?
Or are some modern comics free of the woke mind virus?
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That art is so kino. Love the stuff.
Meh, Call me stupid but I like the cheesy stories from time to time. I agree with your lost artwork point though.
its true though.
It started before Marvel was created, therefore no spidey.
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Sorry class of 24, we're pulling up the ladder.
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Kill yourself
i'm speaking the truth, and you aren't listening.
And yet
Why would I kill myself? I’m happy and you’re not.
Yeah its completely fucked right now every single job has hundreds of people applying to it even the shittiest ones ive been looking for a job for like 6 months and still haven't found shit.

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Late/midnight stoners of pool. ASSEMBLE .

Im feeling like smoking morrocan hash today. Payed around 9 dolars on the g.
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Looks pretty decent and its actually clean unlike half the rigs i see on pol nice work bro
pff, much better than here. The government here is so incopetent, that they made a law saying that the police is not allowed to arrest people with a small quantity of weed. But they forgot to put how many grams were considered a small quantity. So basically everything after one gram can be considered a lot and you are acused of trafficking. Lots of stoner were arrested, abused, and came out of jail as complete monsters.
Its not lol, I always order these, 42 reais the gram. You just need to know the right people
That's fucked up bro but it doesn't surprise me at all given how other countries treat cannabis users
Would love a fatty dab of some heady rosin or a potent edible, fucking looking for work blows. Somehow weed is legal where I live but there are zero employee protections for off-the-clock use therefore, when I do a pre-employment drug test and pop for cannabis I will not get the job. Feels pretty retarded. I feel like if they wanted any realistic chance of determining if you are currently high as fuck doing an oral swab would work better then piss test.

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Buy an ad.

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You'll see soon argentinian refugees in USA. Maybe that was the plan all along.


> Industrial production dropped 21.2% in March from a year ago, worse than the 13.5% decline forecast by analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. Construction activity also plunged 42% in March, its worst annual decline since mid-2020 when the country was in a strict lockdown due to the pandemic.

> Argentina has lost 48,000 construction jobs from November to February, or 11% of total employment in the sector
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nigger you’re lying. i was in argentina 5 days ago. last week when i went to buy my ice cream it was up 200 pesos. from 1800 to 2000 for 1/4 liter styrofoam bowl. prices on a kilo of ground beef were up 100 pesos. you’re fucked in your nigger mate sipping cheek kissing head you faggot spanish speaking fake white
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forgot pic
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>What is Milei's actual plan?
The Andinia plan.
the kippa is missing
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We gonna join up

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I know you fuckers have seen these pics. They resonate because we've all been there. On an individual level, bagging a fatties may be a personal shame. I'm wondering what the POLITICAL and social implications of most men having to fuck Arby's dumpster scraps are. Also,

>Fat barnacles
>Fake degree
>$60 dollars at Noodles for a shitty parking lot handjob
>Fat females fat female friends
>Constant shame from family elders but not to your face
>Crushing sense of despair because if you do impregnate a fatty it gon be a McChicken baby
>Piss smell
>Cat turd visible in room
>Burlington clothes and F size overpriced sweat stained obese bras everywhere
>Fuck jannies
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I'm in a pretty nasty cold streak right now, and these images saved me from doing something stupid with a fatty from work who sexts me and begs me to fuck.

God spoke through these memes to me as a warning of the post nut clarity I would get enveloped by. Thank fuck I saw these
Are they far because of it or do they develop it because they're fat?
some men actually like fatties
Oh you're the one that got your oscar mayer nibbled on kek.
Talk with her??

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I dont post to 4chan from my computer, I don't do anything on my computer unless it's warranted, because it's too easy for me to start gooning to BBC Impregnation and then I feel terrible.

Pornography has completely destroyed me.
Limiting porn is still a win.
The only thing that needs to be illegal are the Godless. Then nothing will need to be illegal.
Simple as.
why so many? Isn't all the same stuff?
People paying for porn is the worst though.

>12 was considered marriageable age in the Roman empire
They took this from you.
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You've probably never even seen a jeet. God must be nice
The smell alone kills the chadest of Chad's
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>My 14yo niece (not blood related) leaves her panties in the bathroom after showering. They smell great, clean and musky. No piss smell or nasty hygiene, just fresh 14yo brown cunny. I've cum so hard a few times sniffing and tasting them. Like the scent triggers ancient primal instinct in my brain and I want nothing more than to bury my tongue inside her. Would definitely trade in my old model for the newer. But i wouldnt pump and dump her. I'd love and provide for her like a good hardworking husband, and pound that skinny little cunny every night with gusto and romantic intent.
Flippers are rather subhuman from what I've gathered.

Even without the recent import of food delivery jeets, balkans have gypsies that are basically the same race, and I've had the honor of sharing a trash school with them.
sorry, I was too conservative. most large breasts will sag a minimum 5 inches after puberty but most up to 12
Its actually white

I am jealous of Jews and it bothers the hell out of me. We meme that we have our tentacles in everything but it is really the Jews that do (university, media, politics).... How do I cope?
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I wouldn't have a problem if they wrote a book that claims Yahweh commands them to exploit, brutalize, and murder all goyim around them. The Japanese are great at everything they do, but I don't consider them blood enemies
Nice filename, btw. Use this post as a lesson, Lior
*if they didn't write a book
I lament and despise the Torah
The Torah is the first five books of the bible retard. (genesis, exodus, ect.) This is why we always lose...
You are Jewish. Fuck off.
No, I'm sure he's just wise to Christianity's nefarious influence. You wouldn't have gotten shit if the Christians hadn't given it all to you.

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Apparently there is an epidemic of alcohol related diseases among people who shouldn't be experiencing these at a young age. Why could this be happening?
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if you're aggravated and annoyed by things that shouldn't annoy you, that might be anxiety. If you have intrusive thoughts and worries spinning in your head that might be anxiety. if you find youself doing nonsensical behaviors like checking the locks over and over or running to oven in the middle of the night to make sure its off, that might be a unconcious coping method you've developed for your undiagnosed anxiety.

In general if ten minutes of box breathing or walking improve your mood its probably anxiety.
I really cut back on my drinking after I committed to only drinking what I can homebrew. It takes forever, but honestly it’s often worth it when you start getting it right
Fuck you! When I'm drunk I'm finally stupid enough to get all those idiot jokes.
I'm halfway through a litre and half of cheap 20% white wine right now. My tolerance is so high I can drink the whole bottle and be drunk but not fine. Most other drinking this much would be vomiting and/or out of control.
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quitting is easy

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A couple of days ago Trump said there'd be a 'major event taking place very soon', and now he's posting this on his truthsocial account. Consider that he has barely posted anything else since the rally too.
What's he trying to tell us?

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Shut your fucking useless mouth, you coward

> Trump pardoned a bunch of Jews on his final day in office found guilty for ruining people's lives through scams, and child sexual assault. (And he pardoned a bunch of rappers with crime sheets
> After claiming he'll drain the swamp he added more lobbyist to his cabinet in 4 years than Obama, Bush, and Biden put together.
> Trump is promising to do more for Israel than any president ever
> Trump is pushing anti Jewish hate speech laws in the US
> Trump is saying Israel should be immune from international criminal court
> Melania is Now actively fundraising for LGBTQ now
>Trump said that if Israel and Iran get into a war, the U.S. should get involved. "If they attack Israel, yes, we would be there."
> Trump continues to brag about pushing through the vaccines at record speed for the Jewish pharma companies (while bragging that Biden wouldn't have allowed the vax to be pushed through for years)
> Biden is actually going to sanction and cut funding from Israel
> The left is doing more damage to Israel than the right ever has.
> Biden is officially saying the US is considering to "not supply Israel with weapons and artillery shells, and bombs for fighter jets"
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>Shut your fucking useless mouth, you coward
U mad, lol
> The left is doing more damage to Israel than the right ever has.
>he said, just a couple weeks after Biden gave Israel 15 billion dollars
>literally 100x more money than Trump gave them
lol, lmao
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Holy fucking hype, batman.

Trump about to drop the next batch of NFTs.

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Previous Thread(s): >>467401250


We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

Archive: https://rentry.org/mwarchive

- Use Ideogram1.0 'magic prompt' feature to create word salads: https://ideogram.ai/
- Modify them to bypass filters on Bing's Dall-E 3 Image Creator: https://www.bing.com/images/create
- Run Designer too, once you crack the code: https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator
- ?????

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Here's one of my prized Costanzas.
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Simple but effective.

Breathe taking.
Might have to start a folder of those..

I lurk and prowl these pines around my driveway always watching and patrolling incase potential trespassers come around looking for trouble. I blend in with the trees and tall grass, i am one with nature. I’m tougher than a 2 dollar steak and meaner than a than a 2 headed snake. I am a true American and this is true freedom. I live off the land and survive innawoods for fun and when SHTF i’ll be prepared for anything. This isn’t a larp, i live this life everyday.

>Stay out of Appalachia
>pic related
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They don’t even pretend it to be possible because it is not.
No. God it would be so worthless to do that. Also TikTok has promoted it to hell so expect to find a ton of losers out there.
>has no idea how many glowniggers surround us

Anon, i....
what's that behind you? did you drag your MossyOak couch outdoors?
Judging by the seethe and faggotry, I would assume I'm a lot more 'cowboy' than you. You think people care about permission or not in the heat of a fist fight? fuck out of here. Get back to your front porch and keep an eye on those beaners passing trough that you aren't allowed to shoot at.

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