Shifting Timelines
There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world.
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We have to move through the series of Timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.
More on Timeline Mechanics
Bifurcation of Time
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension Cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.
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Transcript - Today is Friday September 29 of 2017, it's our last gathering or connection in September. We still have another 30 days in the Virgo alchemy of distillation of compounds that bring the next stage of embodiment into the earth plane.

For some, this is really a time of embodiment into much deeper levels. How deep can we go, how far can we go? We really can't know until we actually walk the path of the experience and we're in the midst of the embodiment process. Embodiment process means changes and shifts and transformation within our lives in different ways, once we embody new frequencies, once we embody our new lightbody templates, once we embody the new time vector coding. As we discussed or what was brought into our awareness was, the changes in the clock shield template that was happening in the macrocosm fields, which obviously can have a ripple effect upon all of us.

It means that when we think of the base core manifestation template of our consciousness being, our point of incarnational record into this reality of the lower density timeline of planet Earth, we know there is a conflict. A war over consciousness between the AI timelines inorganic timelines, spawned from the alien levels of technological abuse and manipulation of the horizontal grids and ley lines. We know the horizontal grids hold levels of the instruction set for morphogenetic field which control or have influence upon what's known as the clock shield template.

Clock shield template is something that interacts at the micro-macro level, it relates to something very difficult to explain in words because it's how our consciousness perceives movement through time and when we are consciousness moving through time here on planet Earth, we perceive it as an aging, linear process of experience. A process of moving from this point in the location, from point A to point B, we're moving in a linear time field, the experience is moving our perception from one point to another.

We recognize now, that is going out the window because the linear structure of time, what was measured between point A and point B, you could say a linear time measurement of, there is 50 miles between point A and point B, and all of this is out the window now as a result of shifting field dynamics.

We're in a circular time or no time space, where the clock shield template changes the linear format of how we get around from one point to another, it changes how our consciousness moves from one location to another and from one coordinate to another. This creates a lot of high strangeness in the middle of the intensity of the bifurcation, aptly named the bifurcation bomb. Which is a perfect metaphor and description for what has occurred in the last few years, like when we went to Sarasota and were working in the Grual point. We were just revisiting the energy structure of that today, looking at the energy architecture over the last few years. Looking at where energy dips, where energy is siphoned, how it is siphoned and by whom. When studying and observing graphs and markers of the community’s movement on an energetic scale, through what is put together as a linear time format and being able to look at that in a spherical way. To see the movement of energy coming in and out, what sucks energy, what grows and circulates the energy, what stabilizes the energy form. It's been really fascinating to see within these annual cycles when we come into this September and early October period of time the cycles that impact the community energy field.

In the last few years we have been undergoing an intensity in the chasm and splits, which we call the bifurcation and the shift into the next harmonic universe, which is changing coordinates in our location in time. We're starting to feel this now in different ways rippling into our personal life in the way we experience our world and the way we experience our relationship to external things. The way we experience ourselves now, our identity, all of this is undergoing a rearranging, reconfiguring in order to align us or accommodate us into this transitional shift.

For many people on this planet and for those potentially in our periphery and in the community, this can be an extremely intense time because the platform of our grounding mechanism, that which we have been using as a lift off point for our sense of identity, the springboard of our identity, the point that had been our still point where we found center, is changing into another location. It is in a flux of change now and moving into a new coordinate or location, what we could call a lift off point, a springboard. Think of a diving board, when your diving into the pool it gives you the momentum, it's something that propels you in a catalytic way. It helps to propel you into the space you need to be stationed within, and when you're being catalyzed this way, sort of thrown into the stratosphere, this state can be very disorienting.

This is the new skill set that we've been talking about all of this year, especially since 2017, which is the absolute critical nature of finding safety and security within the self. To establish our grounding mechanism, our core self, even in the constant momentum of change and micro adjustments of the terrain we're in right now. Having to constantly adjust and accommodate, having to constantly rearrange at a moment’s notice, while discerning the moment to moment of ongoing change. It's not something that can be premeditated or planned at all. This is really an intense time for finding our core self in the midst of a massive unsettling change, catapulting us into the stratosphere. We are being propelled into a new space time and being catapulted into a new place that is our lift off pad.

This is to say that where we lift off from now is from within our self, the inner self. We used to have a grounding mechanism that felt more connected into the earth field as a stable structure. Remember as the lower grounding mechanism shifts for those of us that have rolled up the lower membranes, we are in the process of dissolving the lower dimensional constructs. We have to think of it as a construct, as a substance. Think of the predator mind construct, t is not just an energetic thing, it is an actual structure in matter that had been part of the configuration of our lower body functioning. That first, second and third layer in the lower frequencies of this AI embedded or infected infiltrated reality, this artificial structure was a part of creating control over carbon structures, control over particle matter. That is the strange conflict and struggle that we're in right now, where there are sections of earth in the matter world, in the particle world, in the lower density that were defined into this lower grounding mechanism point. That section of the field where dark matter was being manipulated in order to control carbon elemental forms and the way matter manifested from the pure energy state.

We've talked about that process of energy to form as morphogenesis, how energy, something that is pure energy actually undergoes the process of transduction into physical being. Thinking of a musical instrument, this is almost like blowing air through a tuba or a brass instrument and there's a sound that comes out of the instrument that arranges itself into certain patterns. This is very similar to how pure energy becomes form, it goes through a transduction like an instrument, like a brass instrument. The breath coming through the instrument manifests a sound, there is a sound wave that comes out as it is filtered through this instrument, which is very similar to the transduction sequence. Understanding its role in what we see manifested in the world and how this piece is changing now. How energy, pure energy, this breath of life, is played through the instrument of our body, our filter is our core manifestation template. This is revealed through the life breath moving through the template, revealed as the music arranges itself.  Is it harmonious, is it discordant, are there schisms in the musical sounds as it's being played? This is the state of our body right now, it's our consciousness right now, how that consciousness is being played and manifested into the world. The breath of the animated spirit, the pure consciousness energy that we are, the consciousness units of energy we are, are being played through the instrument with new frequencies.

We are being handed more control or more access to the instrument that creates the music in the manifestation. This is a part of the change of morphogenesis. How the pure energy becomes matter, how the pure energy becomes arranged in music, in a creation. You can see the artistry of what creation is and how that artistry, that creative force had been stolen from all of us on this planet. That's a part of understanding this prison planet, they controlled the way the instrument played the music and we could only play certain musical notes on this planet. The music they told us to play was a part of keeping us within that certain parameter they wanted us to play, and that was the mind control. By keeping us within a certain parameter of thought and the frequency of fear, we would keep playing this fear music, the discordant music, the chaos music. Of course as we know the chaos is desired by the controllers because of the negative emotional energy that can be collected, what we call loosh, produced by the discordant chaotic tones. When you have a bunch of us on the planet, all the nerve endings on this planet playing these discordant tones, a lot of residue and chaos ripples out in to the external.

Think of a multiple energy collisions happening in the field all the time, forces colliding and hitting each other, rubbing up against each other, think of the friction and the force that creates. That's what they've been desiring, that's what they've been creating.  As we can see right now, the big challenge of our planet and the inhabitants on it is to move away from the discordance, from the increase in abrasion, from the friction and learn what it means to change into the flow of energy through this new shift of morphogenesis, where we have more control over the instrument and what we play. We have a greater ability to create harmony in our world through the music we play and how that resets our environment, resets our orientation in this world.

How strange that can feel, how disorienting it can feel! As Starseed people especially, it can feel isolating from the majority of the masses who are still heavily involved in playing the discordant music or those who haven't even recognized that it is discordant.  Who just accept the environment as it is and do not recognize how abrasive it is, how discordant it is, how chaotic it is. Most people live in that state of chaos as a standard or the norm, and so in pulling away from that standardized norm of chaos and destruction, collision and constant abrasion and friction, we're moving into this next stage of being able to create more harmony in our life.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the challenge with that is that when things are discordant, when things are hidden in our life, we may not have seen it in conscious view. When it comes to be seen and it's brought into our awareness and we have to see it, that content can be painful.

We can see how difficult that can be, especially if we're facilitating or holding group consciousness in any way. We can see that this discordance comes to the surface to be viewed in cycles. people will move through cycles of evolution. Now we're in the distillation period, we're in the purifying period (it tends to amplify with the Virgo influence) the birthing of something more pure in essence. The distillation of the soul-spirit quintessence, really getting into the essence of something, the essence of soul, the essence of spirit, the essence of truly who and what we are, while getting rid of this discordance, this disharmony around us, that which creates the undue burdens of abrasion and the friction in our life.

With that in mind, noticing people in the environment are having a very difficult time. Not only is their sense of stability being challenged because where they were lifting off, their springboard is no longer there. It's not in the same position, it's not there anymore and they can't springboard up. They're trying to move in a 3D momentum and they're sinking into the mire. It may feel like they're sinking because the issue with this is, that we've got to find our safety and security within us, not relying on the external consensus and that grounding mechanism as a springboard any longer because we're about to fly.

We're about to gain our wings, which allow us movement in a different way yet we have to learn how to use these wings. Using these wings you don't use force, you don't push up against them, you don't bang on the door trying to open it, you don't exert your will against it. It is a state of allowing yourself to be fully inner directed and in the flow of energy that is in the environment and that is guiding you slowly, slowly. And as we know it takes time to develop this skill, to develop the ability to hear the inner whispers of the subtle energy movement that is guiding us in this direction of flow. To learn how to use our wings, how to float in a suspended state, very much like a hummingbird. It is so interesting having the hummingbird spirit be so present in our life over the last few months. Noticing how hummingbirds hover with effortlessness, even though they are using a lot of energy. Witnessing how they conserve their energy. They conserve their energy very wisely and that energy is then directed in a very narrow focus to allow them to do things that many other birds can't do, which many other creatures cannot do. They have a certain mastery within the understanding of their body being aerodynamic and the ability to hold themselves in a total hovering state and to guide themselves in any direction they want to go in 360 degrees, and it's amazing to observe.

With that in mind, recognizing that we are in a similar state as the ascending prototype forerunners that are moving into the next harmonic universe or musical scale. With the ascension prototyping that we happen to carry which may be unique to each of us, recognizing that all of us are undergoing a change, a transition, a transformation that can be confusing to a person who may not recognize that this major shift is happening. Recognizing that generally what our mind thinks it should be doing, when our mind is still too much in control of our life, is a message to learn from. We have to let that go, we have to be in the moment. We’ve got to learn more and more to fine-tune whatever our level is. The inner direction of paying attention to the energy we feel in the moment, the subtle energy movement and flow, the oscillations, no matter how subtle they are.

Getting more attuned, more refined, more able to sense this moment to moment. Then as well, honoring your natural self, being true to the self. I think we have to learn how to become natural to ourselves again, because so much of what we have been entrained with through the mind control and through the society that we live in, this death culture, is to condition us to be someone else. So all that conditioning is so deeply enmeshed, so big in everything we do in this world. To set that aside and find this most natural alignment we have, to nature, the natural movement of things. To find that inner balance and that harmony that we are one with nature, we are one with energy, we are one with ourselves, we are one with the flow of our lives.

We recognize that this obviously gets more complex, the more multiple layered it is, because we are still living in a 3D world where we are in a hybrid transition of dealing with the third dimensional control structures. These operate and are governed by a different law of structure, which we are obeying in the higher realms. Understanding that most people in this world today are obeying a different law of structure. They are obeying an artificial law, a man made law, that which tells them who they are as a false identity. The identification they were handed by the predator mind, this artificial structure, that is in the process of dissolving and kind of floating around like particulates, is confusing a lot of people in matter right now. It will obviously take time for the beings of this planet to learn how to evolve and adapt to these changes happening at the quantum level, at the energetic level.

We have this beautiful privilege in this moment to become aware that yes, these laws are changing and we have chosen an awareness of connecting to our soul spirit as our ultimate authority. Recognizing all that is in the construct of this universal creation is connected to these laws of structure, which we are doing our very best to learn about, and to re-contextualize our direction in life so that we can be in the flow of the universal laws of God and allow these laws to govern our life. Even when we have to deal with third dimensional structures that are designed for slavery, like many of the things we deal with on planet Earth here.

What comes to mind is taxes, tax returns, the things that we have to do to stay in compliance with life are really designed as a type of enslavement. But to not lose sight that we can be in the harmony energetically and still deal with those things that we are required to while living on planet earth. This is truly a time in our lives of learning how to be in this world but not be of this world. Learning to allow the higher energy to govern us in this direction, no matter what resistances come against us. To be able to hold the stability against those resistances and recognize that's a lot of our mastery in this world at this time, in undergoing the challenges of an ascending planet that was imprisoned by a race of rogue beings that use this planet to parasitize its energy and resources.

It's truly an amazing time in recognizing that we are taking part in this and are a small percentage of the population that actually consciously knows this is what is actually happening on this Earth at this time.

I hope that is helpful in order to acknowledge and appreciate yourselves for all of the twists and turns, the pushing and pulling, the planetary challenges that we are undergoing at this time. Doing our very best to pay attention to the flow, to allow ourselves to be in the natural flow even when we come up against certain requirements of this world that we have to address or deal with that are unpleasant. Learning how to navigate these challenges of the 3D world while recognizing we're in a consciousness shift and bifurcation, into learning this new state of morphogenesis.

As we are aligned to the natural laws and we recognize this is happening we do our best to be in alignment to that flow, this is returning the spiritual wings and allowing the wings to guide us. It's a different way of finding center, it's a different way of finding our springboard, where the level of force of personal will isn't there. The springboard we used to have had sort of a gravitational pressure to it where you could kind of bounce off it, almost like a pressure of resistance, a type of catalytic pressure that moved you in a direction. The morphogenesis is changing so that there is a circular or a spherical level of alchemy that occurs, to create the catalyst in such way that the level of force is different, it's very hard to explain. The level of force is changing and we are changing with it, it's like recognizing that we're in this really strange time where less is more. Conservation is more. A lot of times we're feeling, am I doing enough, am I focusing enough on my ascension and on my spirit and what I should be doing and being? And you know all of this is kind of a mental trap, we've got to be very careful about that. There are times will we need discipline and dedication, because we need to get back onto the path when we veered off course, off the highway, we should be in a stream with the Krystal River. Sometimes things happen in our life that may take us off course a little bit and we need to self-correct and when we're in the self-correction, we need discipline. We need the discipline to say I've got to get back over here to center because I can feel that I've gotten off balance.  I'm not in my core and I need to come back over here. As we always say, when stressed out, when getting out of your core, when you're confused then it’s time to go back to basics. Stay low, get silent, get inside and work your tools so that you can get back into your core.

When we're in our core, then we're learning how to work with the subtleties of energy in the law of conservation and recognizing that less is more, at least in this state. As we go through morphogenesis, this is a time where we don't want to push back, where we don't want to use force, where we don't want to superimpose and exert our personal will on the process. Because it will create an explosive collision in the 3D world of forces, as is happening right now. We have to understand that in the cross spiral collision of the world of forces, that have been commonly used within the collective consciousness fields of earth, thinking of the 3D spiral or the AI spiral, the energies that are generated from these inorganic or very low frequencies when they come into contact with the higher frequencies, can be explosive.

And the energies do not even have to be that high, the Christ consciousness is very refined, it is harmonious, peaceful consciousness. But even astral layers, higher astral energies are coming into collision with these lower fields that have been controlled in carbon matter and it's creating energetic explosions. These explosions create chaos, they create confusion, they create problems in your life, meaning that it makes things a lot more difficult, bumpy, discordant. You're trying to communicate with people, you're trying to get things done, and they don't get done, because obstacle after obstacle keeps coming. There are things that are broken and wobbly and breaking down and that's the state of the field of our planet right now, it’s what we must deal with.

When we have to deal with 3D structure in any way, it's extremely important to first understand what we're really dealing with. To be able to assess it accurately and to not go into knee jerk reactions or any kind of fear based reactions or react at all. The more you react in the face of a 3D spiral ready to collide with your field, it's going to create explosions, many intense explosions in your life. So this is the time of self-mastery, observer point neutrality, compassionate witnessing. I've seen people in the periphery reacting out of fear and this makes the negative effects much worse. When we're dealing with something in 3D land and we react out of fear and we take a stand and we push back resistance, it is going to push back even harder, and we cannot push back on a colliding force. The skill that we must learn now is transparency, holding your core, holding your strength in the purest of compassionate witnessing so that this explosive debris that is coming at you from whatever these structures are, become neutralized. This could happen through a person that is really entrenched in the 3D structure, it could happen through all the things we have to deal with in this life. These 3D structures are spring loaded with consciousness traps right now. See it for what it is, recognize it for what it is. Like this thing is spring loaded and it's going to fling a bunch of astral debris and dark garbage on my field if I press any of these buttons. See it as a booby trap, because honestly that is what it is. Recognizing this is the wisdom of what we are learning right now.

What are the lessons we can learn in our own self-mastery to maintain a level of total observer point, compassionate witnessing, and holding strength within our own core structure that isn't imposing an external force. It is knowing when to act and when not to act. When to be silent and when to speak. This is the inner harmony required to neutralize the cross spirals. Sometimes when we act impulsively or we act or make decisions from fear, we're going to trigger those buttons and we're going to get a ration of astral garbage. That astral garbage and negative emotional collective content is going to be blown right in our direction. I'm seeing people make this mistake in our community right now, not understanding how to deal with the third dimensional world and address issues.

Yes, it's very hard. This is what we’re dealing with at this time and as we move into morphogenesis and out of the most intense extremes of the bifurcation shift. When we've stabilized within a different location point, then it will become easier for those of us that recognize this shift is happening. I suspect for a lot of people it's not going to be easy for them in this particular stage, because the laws governing the structure of energy that we are collaborating and co-creating with is changing. That means that we have to change how we address life, how we deal with energy, how we perceive energy, how we act, how we don't act. The way we have the flow of passivity, when we're passive and when we are observing ourselves, realizing that we are not this ego mind, we are not this identity, we are the eternal self. When it's time to take action we must feel it in the moment, this is the skill set we’re learning right now, this is all about stages of morphogenesis. How we're going to create more alignment and thus more harmony in our creations. To do so we have to be in harmony with ourselves, so that the inner and outer are harmonized. We must be in oneness with ourselves if we are to feel the flow of energy and have the wisdom to pay attention to that movement of forces. Is the movement in the field telling us to take action today in this moment, is this the task at hand for this moment? If not set it down and put it away, wait for the right alignment when the time comes for it.

This is the stage of earning wisdom. We are in the levels of attaining some degree of self-mastery of our life at this time, the necessity of listening to these subtle forces in our environment and responding accordingly. Breathing with it, constantly bringing ourselves back into neutral, doing self-correction if we're tense and if we're triggered. If we're upset by something, it is the time to bring it back into core, into our heartful forgiveness, into the witness, holding the space for it to reorganize back into harmony.

Coming back to staying in your core and taking good care of yourself, while working your tools and knowing that you're not alone in the process. All of us are dealing with some level of major challenges at this time. This is a planetary event. Truly remember in your heart that love is the only force that matters, kindness is the only force that matters. When we come into loving kindness for ourselves and others it is the highest expression, it is the highest service and gift that we can give to others. This is so very needed on our planet, undergoing a tremendous amount of chaos and confusion with people not being given the knowledge or awareness of the shifts that are happening in the collective consciousness field.

Many people have felt that change in their foundation and this can be alarming. How scary that can feel when your springboard in reality just isn't there anymore. That place that you know as familiar, it's an internal feeling that you know and all the sudden the floor has given out, the ceiling is moving, the walls are not there! Yet, this is your consciousness freedom. You're going to learn to fly but you've got to learn how to use your wings now. In order to do so you've got to learn how to bring more harmony into your life, so that harmony can manifest the highest expression for you as we move into this new cycle.

I want to thank our beloved's for their presence here as well as all of us here today, thank you so much for holding space for this. In recognizing, here we are in the apex of the annual bifurcation shift, the end of September to the end of October is the most intensive period of time in terms of the architectural shifting, so here we are in the influences of Virgo in the Galactic cycle.

Virgo is very interesting when you think of Virgo as the Mother Mary archetype, Sophianic consciousness, it has been considered the maiden, as obviously it's the female principle. The quintessence of the female principle and the birthing of the new is made through the female. This Virgo influence really brings this pattern of rebirth into this new Sophianic template now, as we move into the next harmonic. Into the change of the time vectors in the time space field and within our own bodies themselves, having clock shield template adjustments happening in our body and in the planet simultaneously. Understanding why we may feel a sense of high strangeness and disorientation with time and space, feeling that the grounding or the floor isn't there anymore, because it's not! Yet recognizing for a lot of people on the planet, when they feel insecure and when they feel unsafe, they're going to start acting out in ways that are actually counterproductive to them.  

This is an unstable condition that is being exploited, via the mind control impacting a lot of people that will still succumb to the victim victimizer roles, sexual misery and Armageddon programming because that's what they've been programmed to react to, as that's the impulse level recorded in their subconscious. Until we get through our subconscious contents and pain body, and start controlling our impulses, it's hard to make any spiritual progress. So recognizing this is the state of a lot of people around us that need help and guidance. Potentially when they're ready at some point, they can begin the re-education process to understand how to get control over their own energies, control their own mind, their own thoughts, to own their beliefs and know their own motivations. We all need to do the self-inquiry work and this is the time we're all doing it no matter what stage of development we're in. Thank you so much for listening and for holding the space for today, I really appreciate it. ~LR

(ES Update -Distillation of Higher Template Coding, Harmonizing Morphogenesis)